
The Medical Billing & Coding Profession

Medical billing and coding is one of the fastest-growing careers in the healthcare industry today! The need forprofessionals who understand how to code healthcare services and procedures for third-party insurancereimbursement is growing substantially. Physician practices, hospitals, pharmacies, long-term care facilities,chiropractic practices, physical therapy practices, and other healthcare providers all depend on medical billingand coding for insurance carrier reimbursement. The medical industry will have almost 50% more jobsavailable by 2022; therefore, a surplus of medical facilities will continue to hire candidates who specialize inmedical billing and coding.

The Medical Billing & Coding Program

This billing and coding course offers the skills needed to perform complex coding and billing procedures. Thecourse covers: CPT (Introduction, Guidelines, Evaluation and Management), specialty fields (such as surgery,radiology and laboratory), the ICD-10 for both diagnosis and procedure coding and basic claims processes forinsurance reimbursements. This billing and coding program delivers the skills students need to solve insurancebilling and coding problems. It details proper assignment of codes and the process to file claims forreimbursement. This course covers the following key areas and topics:

  • An overview of healthcare and the insurance industry
  • The organization and use of the ICD-9-CM, CPT, and HCPCS manuals to identify correct codes
  • Detailed review and practice using the alphabetic index and tabular list of the ICD-9-CM
  • Comparison between ICD-10 and ICD-9
  • Basic claims processes for medical insurance and third-party reimbursements
  • Completing common insurance forms, tracing delinquent claims, and appealing denied claims


Education and National Certifications

  • Students should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
  • There are several National Certification exams that are available to students who successfully complete this program:
    • National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Billing and Coding Specialist Certification (CBCS)


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